Our Family's Verse for Today - Psalms 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

we are home

we are so happy to be back home - thank you all for covering us in prayer and we hope you will continue to as we all adjust and bond

the kids got along well last night and saraphina even said Jacob's name which is great since she doesn't choose to talk too much

our house is a complete disaster after only a few hours yesterday evening but hopefully that will get better as time goes on - we have realized we need to be a lot more organized with three kids

we took the kids into the doctor's this morning for their congestion and cough and overall they look pretty good - hopefully a little medicine and we can get healthy and sleep

we are going to try to get baths and showers for all of us and clean clothes - I am sure we will all feel better after that

well my time is up as there is a child crying for me - will post more later

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Super exciting news! I'm on the look-out for a link to your care calendar...