Our Family's Verse for Today - Psalms 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

to adopt from Liberia or not to adopt from Liberia - that is the question

We received a call from our social worker late this afternoon to let us know that Liberia has closed international adoptions. They are hoping to reopen the adoption process in 2-3 months but who knows - I wonder if that is what Guatemala said back when they closed. Anyway, we need to make a choice whether we are going to wait for Liberia to open, choose another country or pursue a domestic adoption. The good and bad thing at this point is that we have a lot of options.

Please pray that we would continue to seek God's plan for this journey he has our family on and that he would clearly reveal the path he would like us to take.

1 comment:

R - E Koep said...

Congrats on opening your hearts & home to adopt children.
Be thankful for your options and be patient during all this hurry-up-and-wait time.
We are working on adopting our foster child we've had for 1-1/2 years. Been many ups and downs, tough choices and situations, but all worth it, especially when you first hear them call you "Mom" or "Dad." So many of the difficult or challenging times seems like a distant memory a year later. HE does have a plan - you just have to trust it. The rewards are well worth it. It's a big thing to give a child a home.
Find support in others and check out MN ASAP if you haven't already. Lots of wonderful resources and training.
Randy & Erica