Our Family's Verse for Today - Psalms 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The plan - please pray

As most of you have realized things in Haiti are in a constant state of flux right now so although this is the plan things may change. They currently have the travel documents needed for most of the kids at Maranatha. They have an appointment at 9am tomorrow morning and hope to have the remaining papers by noon to have the kids on a 3pm flight to arrive in the US (most likely Orlando) by 6pm. They are still waiting to find out if they will be able to get on a flight tomorrow. The people down in Haiti working on this have been at the Embassy every day and feel they have the "bumps" worked out so are hopeful for all to go well tomorrow.

Please join us in covering this situation in prayer.
We are trusting in God's perfect plan and perfect timing.

We will post something one we know more.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

We are praying with you guys. I did get your message yesterday and Leah is so excited to have a plan. I have some clothes I will look through tonight/tomorrow. We will also look through our toys. We are honored to help out in any way.