Our Family's Verse for Today - Psalms 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

a weekend of firsts

we had a pretty fun weekend with a few first time activities for us as a family of 5:
we went to McD's playland and ate lunch with friends on Friday - all in all it went well although I now know that a just turned 3 year old should not drink the chocolate milk there with an open top and straw, my more experienced mom of 3 friend Kim got a cup and cover and assured me it happened to her too
we went out to Jason's Deli to celebrate Saraphina's birthday with some friends and the kids all did pretty well - I did feel a little bad that we left pretty quickly after we finished, I think I was just happy it went as well as it did and wanted to leave while we were ahead
we took the kids to the MN Zoo on Saturday morning - we only stayed for about an hour and a half but everyone seemed to like it, except for the MN trail which was just a little too cold that morning
we went to church again on Sunday (our 2nd time) - this time we told Jacob he needed to go to Sunday School, he was upset and we had a hard time getting him into his room since we wanted to stay with everyone else and go to "big" church (we tried that last week and it didn't work too well) although Saraphina ran right into his room and started playing, she was not too amused about sitting through "big" church - I am not sure who is more excited about her being able to go to Sunday School, her or me - only a couple more months until they can be in Sunday School
All in all not too bad of a weekend :-)

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