Our Family's Verse for Today - Psalms 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Evolution vs Creation according to a 3 year old

There is a particular show on PBS that we don't allow Jacob to watch because there is a lot of evolution talk in it. This typically isn't even an issue since the show is on at nap time. One day I was letting Jacob watch a little TV before nap and lost track of time. I heard the theme song come on for this show and came in to turn it off. It's a very catchy little song and Jacob was quite upset I shut it off. I told him that we don't watch that show and he asked why. I wasn't really thinking and told him that there was too much evolution talk so of course he asked what evolution was - I really should have seen that one coming. I had no idea what to say and remember saying a quick prayer asking God to give me something that my 3 year old could understand. Quite honestly I have no idea what I told him but a couple of weeks later I was on the phone trying to take care of some adoption stuff and didn't notice the show come on again. Jacob ran in and said "Mom, mom, we don't watch this show, remember, remember" He then stretched his arms open as wide as they go and clapped a big loud clap and yelled "BOOM" and said "a big accident and they don't believe God made the world." Yep - that will work for a while. It was so funny that typing this story doesn't do it justice so I got it on video. He is pretty animated in the video and adds that "but we know that God did make the world". Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Sara K. said...

Jen -- this is so cool! Good work, Mom! :)

Funny that I'm just reading this post today (June 22). That's exactly why I'm not on Facebook with y'all... I can't keep up! :) But then I miss out on all the updates. Oh well.

Have a lovely day!