Our Family's Verse for Today - Psalms 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's Official!

After years of praying, months of research and days of paperwork we mailed off our formal adoption application today! We are so excited to finally get this process underway.

For those of you we have not talked to or those we haven't talked to in a while here is the scoop - we are pursuing an adoption of up to two children (younger than Jacob) from Liberia. Yep, sounds a little crazy I know but you just have to follow God's calling and trust him to provide. We are going to have a front row seat to see some God size things happening in our family this next year.

Well I have so much more to share but it's time to go to bed and I really wanted to get this first post done. Hey, my first blog post - cool!


mjkanz said...

Yay! We are very happy for you and will pray that all continues to work out as God has planned.

BTW, I'm so glad you have a blog! Now I won't have to keep asking you how things are going. Of course, that means you are going to keep it up to date, right?? ;-)

Merry Christmas!

Dave and Liz Suchy said...

WOO-HOO!! Dave and I are very happy for you guys. We just opened your Christmas card today and I headed straight to the computer to check your blog. Amazing---you guys rock.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh---more monkeys for Ian and Isaac to get into trouble with and eat chocolate chips in the closet with. Sounds perfect to us! :)